LAAD 2017- Defense & Security

LAAD 2016
From the 12th to the 14th of April, BioAmerica Defense participates in the LAAD (http://www.laadsecurity.com.br/2016/), which takes place in Hall 4 of the Riocentro, which is located at Av. Salvador Allende, 6555, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, the BioAmerica is in B.19 stand, together with our partner companies: Northrop Grumman, Tactical Electronics, BIOFIRE and […]

BioAmerica Defense tem portfólio dos mais completos do país
Júlio Ottoboni A BioAmerica Defense é a empresa binacional de capital privado, entre o Brasil e Estados Unidos, comandada pelo CEO Cristiano Carioni, um expert em materiais de defensa de altíssima tecnologia e inovação. O portfólio da BioAmerica é algo impressionante, os produtos vão desde sofisticadas luvas de borracha sensíveis ao toque até robôs de […]

AM General

Conheça o robô anti bombas Andros da Northrop Grumman

Dangerous materials leak at SIA factory
On May 1st 2015, at 9pm, the GPRAM rescue was activated for an occurrence at SIA. There was an ammonia leak at an ice factory. Due to their proper training in Dangerous Materials, the location was locked down and the material identified, with the assistance of special detectors. After the identification, technicians used the Second […]

BioAmerica Defense has one of the most comprehensive portfolios
BioAmerica Defense is a private capital multinational company, based in the US and Brazil, lead by CEO Cristiano Carioni, an expert in leading edge defense products. BioAmerica’s portfolio is impresive, ranging from products such as rubber gloves to multiple-use robots, such as those manufactured by Northrop Grumman, which has deployed over 3 thousand units in […]

Goias’ MP purchases latest generation armored vehicle

Seminar on Large Event Protection

Army Day

Veredus press release
Veredus Laboratories Pte Ltd (“Veredus”), a leading provider of molecular detection tests announced today that VerePLEXTM Biosystem has been selected by the Brazilian civil security forces as a system to monitor and identify potential biological threats during the FIFA World Cup 2014. VerePLEXTM integrates two powerful molecular biological applications, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for DNA […]

II International Symposium of Hazardous Materials Emergencies

LAAD 2014 begins
Event name: LAAD Defense & Security 2014Start: Tuesday 08 April, 2014End: Thursday 10 April, 2014Local: International Public Safety and Corporate Security Fair – Rio Centro – Rio de Janeiro RJ At booth E.10, BioAmerica Defense Brasil, which belongs to the North American BioAmerica group (a blobal distributor of products and services from several companies in […]

I International Symposium on CBRNe Emergencies

LAAD Defense & Security 2013